-Let me jump right into it:
-The 2007-2008 Lemieux’s League Champion is Justin’s Bone Corporation!
-Congrats, and enjoy it Justin, you’ve earned it!
-Boy, did he ever earn it, that team was in 12th place last year. ..oh yeah, they also didn’t have a manager who cared/set lines.
-Bone got off to a fast start at the beginning of the year. But still no one, not even Justin, thought it would last. I was predicting their demise on a weekly basis:

-But that ship never went down, in fact it never left 1st place in the standings once it got there.
-A Fantasy President’s trophy, 200+ wins and a first round bye later and Bone found themselves in the playoff tourney.
-They blew apart the Dump in the second round, then they found out they were going to play a 6th seed in the finals, life was easy at Corp HQ.
-Regime was that 6th seed, but they didn’t put up too much of a fight…until the last 2 days.
-Showing confidence in his goalie, and maybe a little bit of greed ;p , the Bone Corp played “Lundie” Sunday afternoon, but he wasn’t good enough. Not only did he not win, but he handed Regime GA and Save % and suddenly the matchup was 10-6-2, DRAMA.
-Regime needed just 2 more ppp’s and a few more +’s to take the gold back to Regime nation, but it was not to be.
-Bone’s goaltending gamble didn’t matter, their offense and specialties had it all locked up anyways.
-Final score of the finals = 10-6-2, Bone Corp takes home the Gold trophy and a long summer’s worth of bragging rights.

(Bone’s new trophy case)
-Farls could push as many buttons and flip as many switches as he wanted, but his team ran out of gas weeks ago. Silver Trophy? Sure.
-The Championship Finals were the only close matchup of the week.
-The Bronze matchup was dominated by the Dump, congrats to the D+C on winning the Bronze Trophy for 3rd place!
-The Dump was a very well rounded team; solid at specialties, solid at goaltending but maybe a little streaky on offense. Still it was plenty to bring home some hardware:

-The Mollies finish in 4th for the second straight year, can you say 4th place dynasty next year? That would be a hilarious coincidence for the lovably losing Mollies.
-The Mollies went MIA in the playoffs again:

-Reed Dynasty, as expected, took the Best-Worst Team crown with relative ease. Well they won something, congrats!
-Lemieux’s League news:
-Award ceremony next weekend. What's that, you thought there was a lot of awards last year? I’m looking to double it! Everyone will get a few of them, some will get too many. Send me any award ideas you have to refarls@yahoo.com , I'll take any award idea you got.
-I’m also going to try and update all of the rosters onto the website for the off-season next week.
-On top of rosters and awards, all of the season long records will be revealed, there were a number of new records set.
-I decided against playoff stat records because it was too hard to figure out since there is both 1 week and 2 week playoff rounds. Individual team records might show up though like, ‘1st 6th seed ever to do anything’ or something.
-Oh yeah, you can now TRADE at will, the deadline lock is lifted, have at it.
-Come on, no one wants to sign up at the league forum? I’m telling you guys it makes trading a TON easier plus I’d like to discuss things like possible league/stat changes there since it’s easier. You don’t have to, it isn’t a requirement or anything, but it kind of sucks when there is only 5 of the 12 teams in this league signed in there. Again, I’m not holding a gun to your head with this or anything, but at least check it out:
-Admittedly the Forum is thin right now, but I plan on expanding it as the off-season progresses, so be sure to check it from time to time in the summer.
-I’ll be sending out more info in an email next week, including the annual ‘you’re coming back next year, right?’ routine, so beware.-With that, Season 3 is officially over.
-Outside of the lavish award ceremony that is coming, Season 4 has essentially begun!