-There was a time just a few months ago when Reed Dynasty was in 12th place and BH Mollies were in 11th.
-It was a hilarious time:

-Now RD is in their usually 3rd place spot and the big BHM sits in the 6th seed, you realize what that means right?
-Yep, if the season ended today, #3 would play #6 in the first round. So lets treat this like a playoff preview shall we?
-This could very well be the same matchup we see 4 or 5 weeks from now:
MOTW: #3 Reed Green-Helm’s vs. those Barclay Hill Mollies
-Let's take a trip down memory lane, to those basement dwelling days.
-A lot of bonding went on in that cold, dark basement; and a lot of teaching too.
-Dan taught Sam how to pull of a proper dealio by acquiring Iyla Kovalchuk for a few muckin' Devils.
-Sam is off to prove that those Devils no longer suck, just look at Elias’ gamelog.
-Sam just doesn’t want that trade to ‘bite him in the ass’:
(this pic everytime that phrase is used, believe it)
-Dan left the basement first, but recently he’s been feeling something come up from behind him…(Dude, behind you...nevermind)
-What's a BHM season without a late-booming team? No season at all damnit.-You better be pretty good to go from the bottom to up near the top, but both of these teams fit the bill. But what about the #’s?
-Dan has the best offense in the league, although Mario is a close second.
-I believe RD will win the majority of the offensive stats this week.
-It should be said though that the Mollies had the best offense in the league total-wise last week, but their power play #’s are lacking a bit. Still, they were dropping bombs:
(Something to that effect...)
-Reed has issues with specialty stats; faceoffs, pims and shp’s are much lower than BHM’s.-BHM has a big problem with +/- and their shots/gwg’s are a tad lower than Reeds.
-All in all, I give the Mollies an ever-so-slight edge in the special stuff.
-Goalie wise, Reed has more of them, so he should get more saves and wins. The percentages are anyone's guess though as both of these teams have high values in those cats.
-I’ll give Reed the slight edge in Goalies since he has more options for starts.
-So what does that all add up to? Probably a prediction:

(Carson brings it like no other)
-I like Reed Green to win 9-6-3.
-Mollies are stuck looking for revenge in the playoffs after this one.
Lemieux’s League news:
-The trade deadline was adjusted to Feb 28th, get ready.
-Serpentine or normal? What should the draft be next year?
-Regime goes through a ton of players, what else is new:
(all the players Regime has had over the last few years)
-Halfhill trades Doug Weight to Bone for Chris Neil. Somehow that is halfhill’s first trade of the season. Everyone = stunned:
(obligatory stunned pic)
-Sam hooks the league up to it’s history, check this out: Next time you are crusing around the yahoo league page, check out the tab right above where it says ‘head-to-head stats’. It says ‘Season: 2007”. You can check out what happened the last two years. In other words, you can walk down the road of dominance that is the Farls Regime….or what WAS the Farls Regime…ouch.-D+C and Finally Adopted have been falling in the standings recently, and don’t look now but Les Pingouins has won 2 straight, look out.
-That’s all for this week.
-Keep your stick on the ice:
(like Gretzky in the worst hockey jersey ever made by man.)
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