A Fantasy Hockey Blog


Tuesday, February 26, 2008



Halfhill Crusade just got a lot better for the playoffs without making a move.


Monday, February 25, 2008

MOTW, Week 22: Dual Wielding

-So many good matchups to choose from for once.

-Bone vs. D+C and Molly vs. Mario, not to mention good ol’ Reed vs. Halfhill.

-Why not have more than one MOTW for a change?

-I’ll see what I can do.

MOTW 1A = #1 Bone Corporation vs. #4 Mario’s Militia

-Bone Corp was embarrassed last week by BHM, they’re looking for a little redemption.

-Bone Corp has played great for the most part in the second half, having only lost outright twice since week 10.

-Militia has been rolling with 7 wins in their last 8 games. The only loss was to the Regime, who has also been red hot of late.

-Two teams playing well and looking to get the best possible playoff seed for their respective clubs.

-Offensively these teams almost mirror eachother in everything except +/-, FW’s and PIM’s, all should go to Bone, everything else is a wash.

-Mario’s Militia has better goalie #’s when compared to Bone’s, I think MM will win wins, s%, gaa, and ga, big week for Mario’s goalies.

-This translates to my prediction of a Militia victory by the score of 9-8-1.

MOTW 1B = #3 Barclay Hill Mollies vs. #5 Dump and Chasers

-Marko’s D+C club never made it to a motw since the blog went up. Conversely, the Mollies can’t avoid the motw even if they formally requested never be in it ever again.

-Marko’s had a quiet team this year; they’ve been up and down, then way down and now hanging in a relatively safe playoff position.

-The Mollies are en fuego.

-6 straight wins and for Molly and co.

-Meanwhile D+C has lost 3 of their last 5.

-Fleury is back for BHM, will he continue the hot goalie play of the Mollies or lower their numbers?

-D+C has the greatest +/- team of all-time, that category is there’s forever.

-D+C is the only team that can hang with the Mollies faceoff wise, but I still think the Mollies will take it based on their 231 performance last week.

-Mollies own the offensive stats in this matchup.

-D+C has the slight edge in the specialties.

-Goaltending is the key, but I’m giving BHM the edge because Nabokov is insane right now.

-That should cover it…

-I predict the Mollies will win 11-5-2.

-I have no idea how the RECAP will work with 2 motw’s, but it will be a different format.


-LP and Mario hooked up on a trade. LP sends Zherdev and a 10th to Mario fro Nylander and a 5th. Thoughts on the deal?
-The league trade deadline for the league is this Thursday, I think it lasts until about 2:30 am early on Friday.

-I’m guessing we’ll see most of the trades in the offseason, but maybe one of the top teams will take a run at someone before the deadline to go for the cup.
-The Mollies are still en fuego.
-Steve Ott takes advantage of his starts w/Regime by grabbing a shp.

-Reed vs. Halfhill VII. Reed is probably out of it, here's there chance to end the season with some dignity.
-Bert "Don't call me Brett" Maclean is once again a Regime-er.
-A few teams took runs at records last week. Hoquet got a +17, Winging IT had 70 pims, Farls and BHM had 22 goals, BHM had 22 ppp’s, and the Mollies finished with 231 faceoffs won. All of these numbers were close but not quite.
-Bone Corp, Hoquet Icedogs and Reed Dynasty each put up a record 4 gwg’s in one week.

-Halfhill Crusade set a record for goaltending wins in one week with 7, breaking his own record…
-Farls Regime somehow got this ship in good shape:

-That’s all for me

-Someone kill Ben Roethlisberger for me:

(He should have lit it on fire right in front of Umberger...)

-Any predictions/comments?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

RECAP WEEK 21: Mollies sunk BC's Battleship

-MOTW for week 21 is #1 Bone Corporation vs. #3 Barclay Hill Mollies

-Because I get confused:

-Barclay Hill Mollies will be in Orange, like the flames on their helmet:

(Solid look for BHM)

-Bone Corp will be in Pink, like…well:

(Bone Corp needs a helmet)

-Before the recap begins, let’s recap what I wrote in the motw:

-I predicted that the Mollies would win, 10-5-3.

-I said “Bone Corp is left wondering if their Cinderella season has seen better days…”

-Cinderalla was probably not the best way to describe BC, but the reality is they were the 12th place team from last year (ol’ Stone Ponies for you league vets out there).

-But this is Justin Kim’s Bone Corp franchise now, and they seem headed towards some greener pastures so far in this league.

-Would they find any pastures of success this week? Here’s a few highlights of the motw that was:


(Let the battle begin)

-“Pat” Zajac gets 2 points for le clube de Molly:

(Pardon my French)

-Sam pens what might be the best new nick-name of the season. Please meet Agro-Craig Rivet (named after the ‘Agrokrag’ found in Nickelodeon’s Guts show from the 90’s).

(Guts! There's the Agrokrag in the background)

-Agro-Craig nets an assist on the night for Molly, what a nick-name.

-Danny Carcillo gets 17 pims for Bone. BC is hell bent on having former Regime players which has everything to do with why they sit in 1st place right now.


-Phaneuf, Mollies MVP? 2 goals, +3 and a fighting major on the night. Killer.
-Ty Conk-Block-city, good start all-around for BHM’s top netminder.

-Eric “Gunner” Staal gets 2 points, Ray Emery matches Conklin’s fine start.


-Slow day for BC, they were nowhere to be found:

-Elias and Roy get 2 a piece for BHM. Nabokov FINALLY doesn’t play in a game.


-Choochoo gets a hat-trick, that might be the lamest nick-name of the year. He also nets a gwigle for Molly:

-Jason Argonott nets 2 points for BC, both on the power play.
-When Jason Arnott scoring is your biggest story of the day then you know your team isn’t having its best week.


-Bone Captain Brendan Morrow has a HUGE night. 2 points, a gwig and a shortie.


-Nothing going on for the Mollies, the team was busy teaching Hobo’s how to pull rickshaws:

("Run down the street, make the turn, and come back.")


-Everyone shows up for the Mollies, 12 points on the night. Roy and Fro-love with 2 point games.

-Bone Corp doesn’t go down without a fight. Eric Staal gets 3 and a gwig, Rick Nash gwig’s it too and ‘C’ Brendan Morrow has a 4 point night with a +5. +5 because he got nothin’ on the pp, ouch…
-Emery with a great start and win over the Pens, can BC catch the Mollies from behind?


-King Henry gets a shutout for bone and a ‘Win-cat-tying’ Win to soften the impending defeat.

-Mollies win.


-Final score = Mollies win 12-5-1, I predicted 10-5-3, and as usual mine was the only prediction.

-My prediction was off because I thought the Mollies would lose goals and then they dominated it (pp goals too). Also I thought Bone would lose +/- but they took it by 1 on the last day. Also, Bone, how could you lose pim’s on me?


-For the first time in their history, the Mollies broke the 50 point bearier as they put up a 54 burger on the #1 team in the standings.
-22 goals for BHM, 3 short of the record of 25.
-Bone Corp put up 4 giwgles.
-That shutout win by King Henry on the last day might allow BC to hold a bye week position heading into the playoffs, HUGE.
-Mollies were record hunters this week. 180 shots (5 shy of the record), 22 goals (3 shy of the record), and 231 faceoffs won (1 shy of the record).


1* = Pat-trick Elias (BHM) – 6 points, 2 on the pp, faceoff winning LW.
2** = ‘C’ Brendan Morrow (BC) – 6 points, +5 that one night, 1 shp, and 1 gwg.
3*** = Dion ‘Jack Lambert on skates’ Phaneuf (BHM) – 3 points, tons of pims, shots and +/-.

-How about something new?


(5) Toby Enstrom. What happened to this guy? He did zilch all week.
(4) Bone Corp’s lack of a helmet for a yahoo page logo.
(3) Sergei Federov. See Tobias Enstrom ^
(2) Agro-Craig Rivet was too much nick-name for Bone Corp to handle.


(1) BC played the Mollies.

(Still comin' from behind on the top teams)

-New MOTW tomorrow.

-Enjoy a little Marc Bergevin until then:


Monday, February 18, 2008

Week 21 MOTW

-Finally, a matchup among a few of the top teams.

-1 vs 3 this week, no way to dance around the obvious, it’s:

#1 Bone Corporation vs. #3 The Barclay Hill Mollies.

-The Mollies have risen from the dead, remember when they were in 12th? Since then BHM has won 5 straight and 7 of 8.

-Before a weird tie with Hoquet last week, Bone Corp had been on a 4 game win streak.

-Both teams are playing well, both teams are looking to ride it into the playoffs, but both teams can’t win this week.

-What do the numbers say?

-Mollies win faceoffs easily this week, no-brainer.

-BC is better at scoring goals, BHM is better at setting them up, and points should be a wash (PP and even strength).

-Both teams are dirty (PIM wise) but BC has somehow only lost in this cat 5 times, so I’ll give them the edge.

-Mollies should take shots and shp, but gwigles will be a wash as usual.

-BC should take +/- based on the totals, but I’m giving it to BHM, why you ask?

>>>>>>>> NEW LEAGUE RECORD <<<<<<<<<

-Bone Corporation set a league record last week for the worst +/- in one week with a stunning -22 performance. Ouch.

-Something has gone terribly awry w/BC’s +/-, I don’t think it’ll be a quick fix for this week so BHM takes +/-.

-BTW, the previous record for worst +/- was -19 by Mario's Militia, and they still hold the season long mark for worst +/-.

-Goalie wise, BC never gets wins, but they should get saves this week. I like Ty Conklin to carry BHM this week in the goalie %’s, the guy has the best save % in the league.

-So what does this all amount to?

-Mollies win the matchup 10-5-3.

-Bone Corp is left wondering if their Cinderella season has seen better days, or something like that.

Lemieux’s League news:

-Trade deadline is not this Thursday but next Thursday, the 28th.

-The playoff picture got a lot clearer after last week. The top 6 have distanced themselves a bit, but a few teams can still jump in from the bottom 6.
-As I mentioned before, Bone Corp set a new record for the worst +/- in one week, record page to be updated shortly.
-4 or maybe even 5 teams set a "GWG’s in one week" record with 3 a piece. Rather than write everyone in I’ll just wait until someone gets 4, it should happen before the end of the year.
-I think I’ll add playoffs matchup records to the record page. Only a few new records though, we can’t crowd it up too much, lol.
-Hoquet and BHM might be working on a dealio…
-The Mollies have expressed interest in moving Danny ‘Paleforce’ Briere, any interested takers should contact Mr. Wengryn asap.
-Cobra stopped setting his lineups, league managers have grown concerned.
-BHM says Jonathan Cheechoo is good. I miss the Ceech and Guch days…

-That’s all for this week.

-MOTWBlog keeps it real:

-Like Kenny Wregget.

-Got a prediction for the MOTW?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Week 20 RECAP

-The week 20 MOTW was #5 Mario's Militia vs. #6 Reed Dynasty

-I said Mario would win this matchup 10-6-2, and you can throw MM’s injuries out the window.




(Shown above: ECHL powerhouse Billy Irish-Baker)

(He drops the ceremonial puck and we're underway on this motw)

Here's an overview of the important things that happened:


-1 NHL game, neither team has much to show from the day.

(Monday is brought to you by Thom Yorke’s eye)


-Reed’s Osgood has perhaps the worst goalie start out of anyone all year, take a gander at these #’s:

20.42 GAA and .250 save %

(Thanks to johnweng28, lol)

-Offensively RD grabs 6 points and a game winner from Jerome Gwiginla:

-Whats this? Trent Hunter?? Hunter does the unimaginable and gets 3 points for MM.


-Reed does little on the night. 1 point from Lucic, and that’s it. Wideman grabs 6 pims and a +1.

-Mario, ouch, 2 points out of an almost full lineup. Malkin gets a ppa, 5 shots, and 13 faceoffs.


-This guy:

(2 assists for Reed)

-Man Legace with a monster start, Dan really needed it.

-Mario laughs at Dan’s goalies and gets 2 killer starts; one from Garon and one from Bryzgalov.

-Marty St. Louis gets 3 points on the night for Mario, he’s small:

(Cheap shot)


-Osgood = Osbad, another awful start for him. This guy is having an awful week for Reed, nothing is going right.
-Osgood can’t buy a win; geez even the Whalers won some times:

(Ron Francis!)

-Nothing much to report on Mario’s side of the mathcup; a few points but nothing special.
-Militia needs PIM’s, word is Peter Worrell has been contacted:


-Reed is down in this matchup 13-2-5, but a lot of cats are close…except the goalies stats…again, osgood’s at fault here easily.

-Neither team is doing much offensively, but whatev, the show must go on.


-Reed negates Hunter’s stunning 3 point effort by getting a 3 point effort out of Darcy Tucker.
-Man Legace has a good start, but no win, Dan is pissed.

-No one really stands out for Militia on the night, but he manages 8 points.
-Mario has pretty much sealed up the matchup at this point.


-Mario’s Markov and Malkin combine for 5 points.

-Man Legace with another killer start for Reed, but it’s just too late.

-This one’s over.

-Mario wins the week 20 MOTW 13-2-3.

-I predicted that Mario would win 10-6-2, so I was off by 3 wins and a tie or so.

-But were did my guess go wrong?

-I said Reed would win the non pp #’s, he didn’t.

-I said Reed would take shots, he lost by 20, lol.

-I didn’t think Mario would take GA in addition to Wins and Saves, but he swept all of them.

*** 3 Stars of this MOTW ***

1* = Bryzgalov (MM) – 2 wins, 7 GA, and other sick #’s
2 ** = Garon (MM) – 2 wins, 7 GA, and other slightly less sick #’s
3 *** = Man Legace (RD) – Played his little heart out, but alas, Reed won 0 goalie stats.

-3 star goalie sweep? Sure.

-Look out for Mario’s Militia:

-New MOTW tomorrow.
-We'll see what records were set.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


-I called for a MOTW vote for this one.

-It was an unprecedented move the likes of which have never been seen before.

-Votes were cast, it was clear what the people wanted…and the winner is:

Mario’s Militia vs. Reed Dynasty = this week’s MOTW

-It’s nice to get some new blood into the blog, Mario was overdue for a MOTW spot but his schedule had been weak.

-The Mollies were in the last 3 MOTW’s and BC was in the 2 before that so it’s nice to give them both a breather before they undoubtedly get more.

-Anyhow, Mario’s team is good. Dan’s team is good. This MOTW should be good by default.

-Dan’s team is shifty. One moment they’re in the basement, the next they’re in 3rd the next they’re on the bubble with all the other fringe teams.

-Mario’s team has been fighting around the bubble all year and only recently pushed up into a playoff position, even got as high as 4th. But once teams took notice to the Militia’s success things have slowed down for MM:

(There they are)

-Lets check out the stats in this matchup:

-Mario has the best power play in the league, I think he’ll win power play stats.

-Reed’s non pp #’s are better, so I’ll give him those.

-Mario should win faceoffs, pims and maybe even shp.

-Dan should take shots, and +/-

-Gwigs are up for grabs as usual, they’re a wash.

-If you look at goalie %’s these two teams are literally almost identical, so they’re a wash too.

-Mario should take wins and saves out of brute force and sheer numbers.

-Mario has some injury problems: Horcoff, Zednik, Forsberg, Stasny, Cleary, Hasek, and Nylander are all hurt…ouch. Although Kotalik returned today and Stasny might this week…still, it’s rough.

-Injuries, sminjuries. Mario has Malkin, that’s like having 3 good players.



(Best player in the world right now)

(And a Flyer killer, what more is there to ask?)


-12 points last week for Malkin, whats to come this week for Militia? More of the same.

-Enough babble, prediction please Mr. Carson:

(Prediction ready in envelope form)

-Even with the injuries Mario will pull this one off 10-6-2.

-Reed is left scrambling to trade his team away for future help:

(YES, thank God for photoshop!)

-Militia pushes on towards their first playoffs birth:

(Do it, dude)

-Let it be known people, if Militia misses the playoffs it will be because of injuries and injuries alone.

Lemieux’s League news:

-Records. Sam broke one. 232 faceoffs won.
-The records page at the website got an overhaul.
-Some records like GWG’s have been added, along with some year long goalie record stuff for good measure.

-More records to come, mostly ones relative to the MOTW. Got any ideas?
-You can tell which records I added because there is no record holder for them.
-The team with the most GWG’s this week gets the record, let the great race begin!

-Zoom and Marko have updated trade blocks, anyone feeling the mood to start the trade deadline fealing off a bit early?
-Dan picks up Darcy Tucker, Dan hates no player more than Tucker so there was apparently no one else to pick up.
-Tyler Arnason is a Molly again. Random guy approves:


-13 points separates 4th through 9th place.
-This is really the first year where more than 7 teams had at a shot at the playoffs at the end of the reg season, it’s getting more intense each week too.
-Farls Regime does the unthinkable and sets a new season 3 points record in a week by putting up a 57 burger and dropping a browner on the league message board.
-How did Regime do it? Got rid of or demoted the geezers on the team, like I used to. Another pep talk from Coach Hines didn’t hurt either:

(“It’s a hee-haw factory in here with the jackasses”)

-Regime scored 22 goals last week, only 3 shy of the record 25 set by Capretto’s Fins last year.

-Zoom, Kim, and Farls benefited most from the offensive explosion that was the Senators last week:

(Spezza was the NHL's #1 star last week, he put up 11 points in 3 games)

-That’s all for this week.

-MOTWBlog keeps it real like Guy Herbert:

(Mighty Ducks, lol)

-Got a prediction? Go up against mine, I’m usually wrong.