A Fantasy Hockey Blog


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Unfinished Business

-I completely forgot to give the 3 stars from the Mollies vs. Crusade motw

-Here goes:

1* Patrik 'Coach' Elias (BHM) - 4 G, 1 A, 5 P, +1, 2 pims, 3 ppp, 13 FW. 'The' trade is starting to make sense again.

2** Evgeni Nab-ster (BHM) - 2 Wins, 3 GA, 1.5 GAA, .938 SV%.

3*** Vinny Lecaval'yeah' (HC) - 2 pims, 1 shp, 1 gwigle, 7 shots.

-Since I'm here, I might as well add a little to the flame.

-Stupid Oilers:

(What team only musters 15 shots?!?)

-Mollies owner, Mr. Wengryn, sent me a gift on Facebook.

-It was a poorly crafted picture of Micheal Terrien hugging M-A Fleury.

-Terrien's response?

-"There was no hugging."

-Anyways, on to more pressing matters.

-If I seem coy, then I appologize. But, I thought I'd return the favor:

-To: The B.H.M.'s

-From: Regime

-They're nucleur warheads.

-They should arrive during the weeked, around the same time it becomes clear to you that the Regime has won this matchup. If the Regime loses, then they will return to base, they're smart like that.

-I'll have to think up something else if we lose. I'm just winging it at this point.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

MOTW: Week 18

Farls Regime vs. the Barclay Hill Mollies VI

-A quick history lesson for the noob-ulites=
-The first ever franchise in this league’s history was the Quahog Whalers:

(Fun while it lasted...but mostly gay)

-They became the Farls Regime a few months later due to the lack of bad ass qualities in the Whaler name:

(I just needed something more intimidating)

-But what was the second franchise in league history you ask?

-None other than these very same Barclay Hill Mollies.

-I could go on and say that this rivalry is on par with the Yankees/Red Sox, Steelers/Browns, Penguins/Flyers, Pirates/themselves, etc, but I won’t.

-I won’t because this isn’t your normal rivalry, folks.

-The only time I HATE the Mollies is when I play them, and this is only because I have never beat them.


-0 wins, 5 loses. Embarassing. It has to change.

-This week it’s the Regime against the world, and literally against all odds. Do you believe in miracles?

-Seriously though, when I’m not playing against these Mollies, I like to root for them, they’re always such a weird group and I can’t help myself. How can you not?

(Molly, what a kanine...)

-The Mollies are no slouches, though. They’re currently sitting right behind a playoff spot after fighting out of the basement:

(It was cold in the basement)

-The Mollies need every point in this week to keep up with playoff pace, so does the Regime.

-So what we got here is a game with HUGE playoff implications and a good old rivalry matchup too.

-Sounds good to me.

-But who will win?

-I’d LOVE to say Farls wins 18-0 on his way to regaining a playoff spot and then a top 2 bye spot, but I’m a realist:
-Mollies offense > Regime’s offense

-Mollies goalies > Regime’s goalies

-Mollies specialties > Regime’s specialties

(based on head-to-head #’s)

(Yeah, I’m in trouble.)

-If Ty Conklin regains his form, then I’m toast, but if he continues the mini-funk he is in then I could be gold with Mr. Niittymaki.

-Simply put, for my Regime to win offensive cats I need the Mollies to not show up and I need Selanne to play. Chances aren’t good for that.

-Injury wise, both teams look good, but that NA next to Selanne means he is not gonna help me, so he might as well have a broken leg:

(Please come back...)

-Also that Justin Williams guy is out for the year for the Regime, the bas-turd.

-I say Mollies win offensive stats, face offs, PIM’s and shots.

-When you look at the stat totals for this matchup, something alarming pops out. There is only 5 stat categories that Farls has a higher total of than the Mollies have:

(Farls = Shocked)

-Those stats are G, +/-, SHP, GWG, GA.

-I blame Paul ‘Power’ Ranger mostly, and the 'Adventures of Rusty n’ Steve’ debacle.

-I also blame all the soul-selling I did last year when I traded most of my draft picks away, then I drafted Mike Modano in the first round...eek

-But hey, 2nd place comes with a price I guess...

-Let me throw out a prediction:

(survey says...)

-I predict that the Mollies will win 10-7-1, and as usual they beat Regime.

-There’s just not enough that tells me it will change now.

-Regime wins the 5 cats I mentioned that he is somehow better at, maybe grabs a few other lucky ones, but other than that, Mollies win big.

(I'll be damned if we don't go down w/o a fight...)

Lemieux’s League News:

-Johnny Oduya is the newest Molly:

(Oduya pic here is a must)

-Farls finally shafts Stoll, this time in favor of 1st rounder Sam Gagner, jealousy over Mueller and Backstrom flowing freely over at Regime HQ.
-Sandis Ozolinsh is still kicking it, zoom picks him up.
-Reed traded Campolli to Zoom last week, now Campolli is out for the year. Dan’s response? “I’m a cheater”:

(Haitian Voodoo, this isn't the first time we've caught him...)

-Dan loses 1-17 last week, cries about it, then wins this week 16-0, maybe I should cry…
-Matt refers to sam as
Samuel "Halfhill can't beat me" Wengryn, a 'true statement' as Dan would say.
-Dudes, Zoom won last week. He also gave us a look at the new standings:

(:: round of applause for Zoom ::)

-Mario sits in 6th, oh yeah, his team has that Malkin guy:


-Marko has been diligently Dumping and Chasing all year, now he sits in 4th, well done.
-Check out the league’s forum, it’s solid: http://lemieuxsleague.proboards61.com/index.cgi
-Regime Firesale just around the corner, it will be unlike anything you’ve ever seen.

-That’s all I got for now, comment on here or even at the league page if you prefer.

-Keeping it real:

-like Eddie Shore, old school hockey style.

Friday, January 25, 2008

RE-CAP Week 17

Week 17 MOTW = 'the' Halfhill Crusade vs. 'those' Barclay Hill Mollies

-I predicted that the Mollies would win 9-6-3 in a weird pre-all-star weekend motw.

-What’s weird about this week? It’s only 4 days worth of games.

-Should cause a solid amount of randomness, let’s check it out:

(let's do this)


-Victor Koslov scores a pair for the Mollies…
-…but he scores them on Dany Sabourin, which was the mollies goalie tonight.
-Dany Sabou-tage refuses to stop pucks all night in goal and has a rough time…
-…but Ty Conklin comes in and picks up a few pieces of Sabou’s shattered game.
-Mollies get 6 points, good start.

-After Sabou-tage's performance, Mr. Molly himself wrote: “dany sabourin eat dog shit and buy a plane ticket to tajikistan where you'll hopefully be recruited to run blindfolded over a soviet supplied minefield planted by small schoolchildren.”

-Let me see if I can wrap my head around this concept for a second:

(Dany Sabourin^)

(eat dog shit^)

(buy a plane ticket^)

(to Tajikistan^)

(run blindfolded^)

(through soviet supplied^)


(planted by small schoolchildren^)

-Good stuff. Dany Sabourin will be a busy man.

-Back to Monday:

-Halfhill gets the first GWG of the week from Cory Stillman, on the pp too.

-Luongo has a ‘meh’ start.
-3 points out of Halfhill tonight, not good.

Conk-Block saves Sam, Mollies win day 1, it’s 1-0


-Big night = Mollies, Devils hockey saves them.
-“Coach” Elias gets 3 points and a gwigle, “Pat” Zajac gets 3 assists.
-Zajac is another one of those typical late-bloomer Molly types:

(Zajac/Sajac, same difference)

-All in all the Mollies get 13 points and a 4 star start out of geno nabokov.
-Sam let’s everyone know that Steve Ott has indeed scored a goal:

(Otter! What a human...)

-Halfhill gets a 3 point effort out of Jagr, that’s rare this year I guess.
-Vinny blows up for 2 points BUT 1 was a gwigle and the other was our first shorite of the week (shp that is):

(Yep, that's Marty St. Louis)

(I wish I could have made that, lol)

-Halfhill gets two more meh starts out of his goalies.

Mollies win the day easy, they have a solid 10-6-2 lead going into the final 2 days.

Mollies lead the week 2–0 (days wise)


-Only a few games

-Mollies have 1 player, Koslov, and he grabs an assist.

-Halfhill has 5 players and a goalie, how did this scheduling advantage slip through my prediction? Because I didn’t look…

(Poor taste? Meh...)

(If you're looking for political correctness...)

(you're in the wrong place, lol...)

-Halfhill gets 3 points, 6 pim’s and a 4**** start out of Little Bobby Luongo.

Halfhill wins the day easy, but it’s still the Mollies in the lead 2-1.


-What’s this? Thursday is the last day of the week? I told you the all-star break week is weird. Tonight determines the winner, lets see what went down:

(Thrusday’s are always critical)

-Lecavelier and Jagr are nowhere to be found, Halfhill is stunned:


-Halfhill manages a measly 5 points, but does get a gwigle from knuble. That’s right, it’s a gwigle-knuble, try to say that more than twice.
-To Matt’s credit, he only sat 1 point on the night, his team just didn’t show up.
-Brodeur gets a bad start, serves him right.

-Every Molly did something tonight. 11 points total but even the bench had 10 points.
-Derek Roy, “De-Ro”, gwigles it up for molly, but the Mollies only manage 3 ppp.
-Geno Nabokov gets a critical-killer start, but the Conk-meister messes it up with a sub-par outing.

Mollies win the final day easily, they win the days count 3-1.

Final score of the matchup is: 10-6-2 Mollies win.

-I predicted 9-6-3, not bad eh?

(R.L. Stine Ladies and Gentleman...)

-Bone corp predicted a 9-7-2 win for Halfhill:

(should have done your homework kim, lol, I kid of course)

Observations from the MOTW:

-The Mollies had 31 points after 4 days, they were on pace for 50 points, too bad.
-Matt didn’t sit many points, in fact, it was Sam who sat the most points.
-Goalie #’s were very close, I thought Matt would take most, it was a wash.
-Did you feel something move? It’s the standings:

("I think it moved")

-New MOTW to come Sunday or so…

-I think this was my best Recap so far, your thoughts Eddie?

(He has no idea)

-Leave comments if you would like to discuss the Mollies vs. Halfhill matchup.

-I'll be there until next time, ladies...

Monday, January 21, 2008


Week 17

(A couple of 'nancy' teams doing battle this week)

The matchup of the week is #2 Halfhill Crusade vs. #8 Barclay Hill Mollies

-8th place means squat in this matchup, the mollies are 2 points out of 5th place.

-2 points separates all teams from #5 to #8, crazy.

-The standings right now are as crazy as backyard snow hockey:

(Owner and acting G.M. of the B.H. Mollies)

-It’s all star week, Yahoo tells us to not worry about minimum goalie starts, this could prove very advantageous to the mollies if they get an early and stunning goalie start.

-Halfhill’s goalies own; Gordon Bombay himself would have no luck against them:

(I hear he's in the best shape of his life)

-It looks like there is only 4 days of games this week, so make your lineups count.

-The Mollies recent winning serge was thanks in part to the men in the Appollo 13 war-room setting the lineups for him:

(Cheap? Yes. But, you can't make this stuff up)

(Their goal? Get the Mollies into the Post-Season)

-Injury wise, the Crusade has some serious studs out of the lineup; Zubov, Bergeron, Smyth, and Connolly are all out. That’ll be tough to replace.

-The Mollies are actually quite healthy, although they are without all-world-molly Josef Stumpel, no big deal. Advantage Mollies.

-G,A, and P are all very close between these two teams, I’m calling them a wash.

-Crusade should take shots and +/- and at least 3/5 goalie stats.

-Mollies should take FW, PIM’s, and ppa.

-Hmm…this is going to be a close one ladies. I’m guessing this matchup will come down to shrewd lineup setting and solid manipulation:

(like Newman would)

-Anything goes in a short week like this. Good timing, sharp wits, and some solid lineup setting will determine the winner.

-Here’s what it comes down to for me; the theme of season 1: “Matt sits points”.

-Here’s my prediction:

(obligatory Carson shot)

-Mollies win 9-6-3 in a weird pre-all-star weekend motw.

-Got that?

Lemieux’s League news feed:

-After trading for Satan and not telling us why he did it, Dan now makes a trade for…Paul Mara? Zoom gets Campoli. Mer.
-Reed also moves Lupul, T. Ruutu and a 5th over to Hoquet for Harding and Bertuzzi. I like the move for Hoquet, he’s got some building blocks .
-Everyone’s taking a shot at Forsberg, Mario is the latest, why not.
-In a puzzling move Farls trades for Teemu Selanne furthering the destruction of the Regime franchise:

(She's old, but I'll be damned if she doesn't have some fight left in her!)

-Reed and Farls are contemplating team fire sales to ease the pain of disappointing seasons.
-Word is Farls will be sending his team over to Dan in exchange for Dan’s team, it’s traditional, I’m here for you Danny.
-The Mollies are researching possible ways of acquiring the imaginationland villains:

(apparently Kurt Russell is involved somehow...)

3 Bums of the week:

1) Paul Ranger – He tripped Sidney Crosby into the boards.

2) Paul Ranger – He did nothing to help Regime this week.

3) Dan Reed – His team lost 17-1.

-Keeping it real as always. Send us home Conan O’Brien:

(Throw me your best apple, hurler)

-Good luck to all this week.

-Post any predictions in the comments area if you wish. The discussion continues there...

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Week 16

My controversial prediction for this motw was: Bone wins 9-8-1 over Les Pingouins.

Les Pingouins were out to prove something this week; it was their chance to drink the sweet, sweet nectar of the top 6.

Or was it?

Just so you know, I decided that I hate spelling Les Pingoiusafjdisaf, so I will be referring to them as LP from now on, like it or not, too bad.

Let’s check out what happened:


-Slow monday

Malkin wins day 1, hat trick city.


-Kari Lehtonen was supposed to fix Bone’s goalie issues, so Bone sits him…he has a killer night, ouch.
-Bone was eager to point out that Sergei Samsonov had a 3 points night, I'm eager to pull out that strangle photo again...but I'll show a little class for once...
-I am however eager to point out that Bone sits a 3 point night out of Peter Mueller, double ouch. -All in all though, Bone ends up with a damn fine 11 points for the day, but poor goalie stats.

-LP responds to Bone’s 11 point night with…an 11 point night.
-Dustin Brown gets the first gwigle of the week:

-Scott Nieder gets fat on a 3 point burger, but zoom didn’t play Shane Doan, that’s a tough 3 points sat on the bench…

-Everybody is sitting 3 - point night from good players, what gives??
-I'll tell you what gives...
-There’s a rumor floating around the net that Beaker cracked into their yahoo accounts and swiped their lineups!
-Word is, he's on the run:

(I'd believe it, what a specimen)

It’s a draw, screw goalies, it’s too early in the week.

It’s 1-0 Malkin, still.


-Bone gets 2 goals out of newly acquired Bill Guerin, somewhere chris Nichol is excited:

-Henrik Lundqvist shows up with a killer start, a big bonus to all cats except sho.

-LP isn’t too hot tonight, only 4 points, and decent goalie #’s.
-Ruslan Salei nabs 6 pims (dirt ball).
-Miller gives LP a solid start, but no win. Vokoun layed an egg though.

8 points between the two teams? Duff Man is brewing up dissapointment in the motw so far:


Back to reality, maybe it isn’t too early for goalies anymore, Bone wins the day.

It’s 1-0 Bone, but the matchup itself is 11-4 LP, so take it all w/a grain of salt.


-Bone kills. Zoom = stunned. Bone gets 13 points lead by Nash’s insane goal, which was a gwigle, and his 10 shots. Nash was a monster this week.
-Also ‘Alice’ Hemsky registers 3 assists, and Mueller gets 2 points, both on the pp.
-Lehtonen has another good start, but doesn’t win the game, figures.

-LP falls behind as they only muster 6 points on the night.
-Gerber gets a killer start, AND he wins the game, something Bone never gets,


Bone wins the day though, it’s 2-0-1 BC.


-Eric Staal plays tricks with hats for Bone, and registers one heluva game winner.
-Bone owns GWG this week.
-Kari Lehtonen plays goalie with no pads, and the numbers show it, ouch.

-LP has an 8 point night, the kicker being a shortie from Lombardi, critical point:


-LP sits Ryan Miller, Miller has a killer start, would it come back to haunt zoom’s team?

LP gets this one, but its 2-1-1 BC.


-Bone gets another 13 points, is he going after a season point record or what?
-Backstrom gets a 4 assist night, and Rafalski gets a 3 assist night, yikes.
-Backstrom, Bone's #1 overall is looking like a shrewd move:


-Goalie wise Bone gets two good starts but (like the Yankees) can’t buy a win.


-LP keeps fighting with a 9 point night, but it looks like it’s too little too late for zoom.
-Goalie wise, zoom needs new goalies…ouch, rough night for Vokoun and Miller time.
-Remember when zoom sat Miller the other day? It’s coming back to bite him in the ass:

(see it? Meh...)

Bone wins easy, 3-1-1 BC.


-Bone Corp adds salt to the wound, 9 more points, looks like we have a new season 3 points record here in 66’s League:

(Mario would be proud, maybe)

-Bone for some reason played all of his goalies today? He was getting greedy, and they both blew tires, could this open the door for LP…

-…nope, LP’s Gerber plays worse than Bone’s guys, we’ve got some ugly goaltending in this MOTW. You guys need some niitty…
-LP gets 1 point on the day, it’s over zoom, sorry buddy.

Bone wins the day, he takes the day count 4-1-1.

Tell you what, I’ll give an end-of-year-award out to the team that wins the most days in MOT-dubya’s…

Final score of the matchup:

Bone wins 12-4-2,
my prediction sucked. Bone is good:

(...and he's got a new boat)

3 Stars of the Matchup:

1* Eric Staal (BC) – 3G, 2A, a ton of shots, a key gwg.
2** Nicklas Backstrom (BC) - 1G, 4A, 3ppp, 7 shots.
3*** Mats Sundin (LP) – 4 pims, a Bolik load of faceoffs (61) and a few points.

MOTW Observations:

-Bolik had 37 faceoffs this week, it was that kind of a week for LP.
-Bone loses PIM’s, a rarity, but he ties wins, which is also a rarity.
-Bone sets a season 3 points record for the week with 56 points, the previous record was 53 by Dumpy.
-Bone Corp gets their second 50 point week, matching Reed with 2 on the season, the only clubs to do it more than once, slow year…
-LP should be proud that they won PIM’s.
-LP’s dominance of SHP continues, although Bone didn’t put up a fight for it…

New MOTW coming tomorrow, all-star week style.

Any comments on this motw? The discussion continues…