A Fantasy Hockey Blog


Monday, March 10, 2008

Best-Worst Team Tournament

-Who can suck the least?

-Out of all the non-playoff teams, which is the best? Which should have made it? Which has the brightest future?

-This is not just some conciliation game, the Best-Worst team playoffs mean something.

-2 seasons ago the Barclay Hill Mollies won the Best-Worst team crown, now look at where they are.

-Ask Sam and he’ll tell you that the Mollies would never be where they are today had it not been for winning the Best-Worst team crown from season 1. It was HUGE for the Mollies confidence.

-Last year Capretto’s Finally Adopted won the best-worst team crown and are looking to take it again this year.

-Reed Dynasty in the best-worst playoffs?? They finished the #1 seed in season 1, and the #2 seed in season 2, but now…they’re the 8th seed? That really says a lot about the bump in overall competitive teams that we’ve gained this year. Oh yeah, Dan is the king of injuries too…

-Usually the Best-Worst playoffs are full of teams that quit on us, but we only have 1 of them this year, yay.

-I think all teams except for Cobra have a shot at the crown.

-Reed’s team is dormant but dangerous, if they wake up then they’ll be tough to beat.

-Finally Adopted is a solid team but they have been falling in the standings for over a month now, so I’m not sure if they can do much in this tourney other than escape the first round with their bye week.

-Winging it III has a solid team, but their injuries are many, and their depth can’t make up for it. I think they’ll be an early exit.

-LP was hot last week and I think they will continue their strong play as they romp over a deserted Cobra team. They might be able to take out Reed for a trip to the finals and I think they’ll get 3rd place at worst.

-Hoquet Icedogs have been peaking believe it or not and I actually like them to make the finals and take 2nd place. They should push past Winging it and if they keep peaking I think they can take out the Fin’s.

-That leaves me with the Reed Dynasty. Everything that could go wrong with this team has gone wrong. Here’s where I think they’ll turn around their season.

-I like Reed to squeak by LP then mash through a Hoquet team that gets cold after peaking out during the 2 week final.

-But hey, anything can happen:

It’s up for grabs!

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