A Fantasy Hockey Blog


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Playoffs: Round 2

-Round Deux is here.

-Round 1 was all about the upsets, will it continue?

-Last week the Dump and Chasers became the first 5th seed to upset a 4th seeded team.

-Farls Regime became the first 6th seed to defeat a 3rd seeded team.

-With these 2 cinderella seasons continue or will the ball end early?

-The Bone Corp and the Mollies are back from their bye weeks ready to get back at it. It was probably more of a mental break than anything as their players obviously were still playing in the NHL.

-And Then there was 4:

-Lets start the playoff conversation off with #1 Bone Corp taking on #5 Dump and Chasers.

-As much as I like the way the Dump and Chasers battles each week I have to say that there chances appear slim this week:

(As slim as Paleforce Conan O’Brien? Maybe…)

-The thing about Dump and Chasers is that they are great at the specialties along with solid goaltending which makes up for their incredibly streaky offense.

-The reality is, you have to have all cylinders going to win in the playoffs, and I don’t think D+C’s offense has enough to take out Bone Corp.

-Bone Corp has a better offense while still being excellent at the specialty stats, they could definetly split the specials with D+C or take them out right.

-I do believe that D+C’s goalies can keep him in this one mostly because I still have no faith in Bone’s goalies.

-All in all it will be relatively close, my guess is a final score of 10-6-2, Bone over the Dump.

-The other matchup is the Barclay Hill Mollies vs Farls Regime VII

-Regime is cursed against the Mollies, 0-6 all time.

-Regime is happy to be at this point, so are the Mollies. Both of them were out of the playoff picture a few months ago. In fact, this was the Regime a few weeks ago:

(Belly up)

-But damnit if the Regime didn’t fight like only they know how:

-Regime finished strong and actually won a playoff mathcup. They’ve become that little team that could:

-The Mollies led a charge back from the basement all the way to 2nd place:

-Needless to say the Mollies have been red hot since being in the basement, wins have come easily.

-BHM. Kickin’ ass. Takin’ names:

-Is Regime due to finally win against the Mollies? You’d think that at some point Farls will beat the Mollies, or is there no law of averages?

-Could the bad voodoo the Regime has from losing all 6 games to BHM be cancelled out by the impossible 5-1 record Farls has put together in post season play?

-Not bloody likely:

(Palsie! Up a few.)

-The Mollies are a very solid offensive team, and they are peaking late as usual. On top of that, I would say that the Mollies might be the best team at the special stats and their goalie play has been top notch too thanks to Nabokov.

-With a lack of bias I predict the Mollies to win this one 11-5-3.

-2 teams enter, 1 team leaves; the Mollies are beyond Thunderdome at this point:

(Mad Molly)

-That’s all for this week. Good luck to all participants.

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