A Fantasy Hockey Blog


Tuesday, January 8, 2008


The recap is now an even bigger beast,

like this guy:

"I'm standin' right here, how do you want to handle it?"

This blog is like that, it's standing right here.

OK, let’s get started:

MOTW: #1 Bone Corp. vs #3 Farl$ Regime

-I predicted that Bone would win 9-7-1 b/c my team has refused to win 2 games in a row this year and, well, Bone has a good squad.

Here’s what went down:


-Regime refuses to have a full lineup, then they poop themselves and don’t score any goals.
-Bone has a strong 8 point night fueled by Rick Nash’s hat trick, he’s a monster and a former Regime member. IN FACT he was the first ever player for the Regime as I drafted him in the first round during the first season of this league.

It didn’t go well…

Bone wins day 1, he’s up 1-0


-Regime gets a few goals, but now refuses to get any assists as they put up 0 on day 2. Also a -7 on the day, ouch.
-Not much on the Bone front here, a few decent goalie starts GAA wise, but now wins. They did score 5 more points though.

Bone wins day 2, (2-0)


-the Regime sucks, 4 measly points today, it’s going to be a long week. The specialty stats aren’t getting much help either, nothings is going right.
-Bone gets a solid 6 points, 3 on the pp, but Lundqvist acts like a kid in K-mart and gets beat.

Bone wins another, practically by default (3-0)


-Regime shows some life, a 9 point effort and a good start out of Backstrom. PM Bouchard gets 1G and 2A and all is good...
-Until I find out that Brent Burns had 3 points too, #@$%! Boo…
-Ramo acts like a bird and lays an egg.
-My team eats eggs for breakfast.

I win the day, but Bone leads 3 days to 1


-How do you follow up a 9 point night? How about another one? Done. Regime gets 9 more. Andrej Meszaros gets 2 from the backside. Marty Beer-on sucks up the joint though.
-Bone doesn’t get the as many points, try 7, but we have a Ray Emery sighting. Ray does some solid work, and Batman wears Eric Staal pajamas so he gets 3 more points. Didn’t I have him before, oh yeah twice…

I call the day a DRAW its 3-1 still


-Niitty! A monster night for the finnish goalie with the funny name. All is forgotten when it is revealed that the Regime gets a whopping 4 points total, YES.
-Bone plays 8 points and sits 7 points, DEEP team. Lundvist has a strong loss, but Harding brings him down.

Bone runs away 4-1


-Regime loses, doesn’t have the type of players to comeback on a slow Sunday.
-Bone drops a fudge dragon in the Regime's toilet and doesn't flush it down.

Final score of the matchup is 10-7-1, Bone over the Regime.

I predicted 9-7-1, not bad huh? Even if 9-7-1 is impossible, lol, it was still close!

Thoughts on recap:

-Bone has a good team; they aren’t playing over anyone’s head. Wasn’t this team in last place last year?
-Regime goalies saved the week from the clutches of disaster; Farls’ll still be hanging around a top 6 spot.
-Bone has most of the players that carried the Regime to a few trophies the last few years.
-The Regime has a bunch of players that didn’t help anyone lately. The trade winds are gusting…
-Where was Jason Spezza?
-Where was Brendan Morrow?
-Bone refuses to be out gooned, PIM’s come easy.
-Neither team could get a power play going, Regime is lucky to win 2 of 3.
- +/- is mirrored perfectly.

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