A Fantasy Hockey Blog


Friday, January 18, 2008

I have a cool idea for the Blog

Sure I've got some ideas for the Blog, that's why I made it.

But, maybe you have some ideas that you would like to put on here too.

I made this so that I could write my MOTW's with pictures to further humiliate you.

But that doesn't have to be the blog's only use, right?

(Ed Harris is in agreement with me)

-I was cruising through the settings on here earlier and I saw that you can set this blog so that anyone can post things, not just comments.

-So if you want to add something, anything, all I need is your email and all you need is a blogger.com account or a google account (they're both free of course).

-I add RE-CAP's and MOTW's on sunday's and monday's, but on all the other days of the week I might add something short and random, but that's about it.

-So on all those other days you can add something random of your own, do whatever you want.

-Don't like how I made fun of my team and want to job back at me? Do it.

-Want to add some extra analysis of your own that trumps mine? It's all yours.

-Want to rant and rave on all things hockey? Go for it.

-If you are interested, drop me your email address on here or send me something to me at refarls@yahoo.com.

-I just think this would be cooler if it was a league wide thing, if you want it to be...

-Stan Savran wants you in the MOTWBlog:


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