A Fantasy Hockey Blog


Sunday, January 27, 2008

MOTW: Week 18

Farls Regime vs. the Barclay Hill Mollies VI

-A quick history lesson for the noob-ulites=
-The first ever franchise in this league’s history was the Quahog Whalers:

(Fun while it lasted...but mostly gay)

-They became the Farls Regime a few months later due to the lack of bad ass qualities in the Whaler name:

(I just needed something more intimidating)

-But what was the second franchise in league history you ask?

-None other than these very same Barclay Hill Mollies.

-I could go on and say that this rivalry is on par with the Yankees/Red Sox, Steelers/Browns, Penguins/Flyers, Pirates/themselves, etc, but I won’t.

-I won’t because this isn’t your normal rivalry, folks.

-The only time I HATE the Mollies is when I play them, and this is only because I have never beat them.


-0 wins, 5 loses. Embarassing. It has to change.

-This week it’s the Regime against the world, and literally against all odds. Do you believe in miracles?

-Seriously though, when I’m not playing against these Mollies, I like to root for them, they’re always such a weird group and I can’t help myself. How can you not?

(Molly, what a kanine...)

-The Mollies are no slouches, though. They’re currently sitting right behind a playoff spot after fighting out of the basement:

(It was cold in the basement)

-The Mollies need every point in this week to keep up with playoff pace, so does the Regime.

-So what we got here is a game with HUGE playoff implications and a good old rivalry matchup too.

-Sounds good to me.

-But who will win?

-I’d LOVE to say Farls wins 18-0 on his way to regaining a playoff spot and then a top 2 bye spot, but I’m a realist:
-Mollies offense > Regime’s offense

-Mollies goalies > Regime’s goalies

-Mollies specialties > Regime’s specialties

(based on head-to-head #’s)

(Yeah, I’m in trouble.)

-If Ty Conklin regains his form, then I’m toast, but if he continues the mini-funk he is in then I could be gold with Mr. Niittymaki.

-Simply put, for my Regime to win offensive cats I need the Mollies to not show up and I need Selanne to play. Chances aren’t good for that.

-Injury wise, both teams look good, but that NA next to Selanne means he is not gonna help me, so he might as well have a broken leg:

(Please come back...)

-Also that Justin Williams guy is out for the year for the Regime, the bas-turd.

-I say Mollies win offensive stats, face offs, PIM’s and shots.

-When you look at the stat totals for this matchup, something alarming pops out. There is only 5 stat categories that Farls has a higher total of than the Mollies have:

(Farls = Shocked)

-Those stats are G, +/-, SHP, GWG, GA.

-I blame Paul ‘Power’ Ranger mostly, and the 'Adventures of Rusty n’ Steve’ debacle.

-I also blame all the soul-selling I did last year when I traded most of my draft picks away, then I drafted Mike Modano in the first round...eek

-But hey, 2nd place comes with a price I guess...

-Let me throw out a prediction:

(survey says...)

-I predict that the Mollies will win 10-7-1, and as usual they beat Regime.

-There’s just not enough that tells me it will change now.

-Regime wins the 5 cats I mentioned that he is somehow better at, maybe grabs a few other lucky ones, but other than that, Mollies win big.

(I'll be damned if we don't go down w/o a fight...)

Lemieux’s League News:

-Johnny Oduya is the newest Molly:

(Oduya pic here is a must)

-Farls finally shafts Stoll, this time in favor of 1st rounder Sam Gagner, jealousy over Mueller and Backstrom flowing freely over at Regime HQ.
-Sandis Ozolinsh is still kicking it, zoom picks him up.
-Reed traded Campolli to Zoom last week, now Campolli is out for the year. Dan’s response? “I’m a cheater”:

(Haitian Voodoo, this isn't the first time we've caught him...)

-Dan loses 1-17 last week, cries about it, then wins this week 16-0, maybe I should cry…
-Matt refers to sam as
Samuel "Halfhill can't beat me" Wengryn, a 'true statement' as Dan would say.
-Dudes, Zoom won last week. He also gave us a look at the new standings:

(:: round of applause for Zoom ::)

-Mario sits in 6th, oh yeah, his team has that Malkin guy:


-Marko has been diligently Dumping and Chasing all year, now he sits in 4th, well done.
-Check out the league’s forum, it’s solid: http://lemieuxsleague.proboards61.com/index.cgi
-Regime Firesale just around the corner, it will be unlike anything you’ve ever seen.

-That’s all I got for now, comment on here or even at the league page if you prefer.

-Keeping it real:

-like Eddie Shore, old school hockey style.

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